Message from me


Sunday 3 February 2013

typography questions

1.  In your own words, define Typography. 
Typography is the practice of arranging words to make them look good.
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2.  What is a Serif Font?
Serif font is font where the letters have small lines on the edges of the letter.
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3.  What is a Sans Serif Font?
Sans serif is font where the letters do not have small lines on the letters.
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4.  Describe the term Leading. Why is it called Leading?
Leading is the space of the baselines between two lines of type. It is called leading because in hand typesetting strips of lead were put in between the lines of type.
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5.  What is the difference between Kerning and Tracking?
Kerning is the difference of space between two characters. Tracking is the difference of space between groups of letters.
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6.  Who was Johann Gutenberg?
• What is he known for? He is known for inventing mechanical moving type printing.
• Where is he from? He is from Mainz Germany.
• When did he live? He lived from 1398 to 1468.
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7.  Define these Elements of a Typeface:
• Decender The part of the letter that is below the baseline.
• Assender The part of the letter that is above the mean line.
• Bowl The curved part of the letter that encloses the circular parts of the letter.
• Foot The unit of measure.
• Baseline The line where most letters are on.
• Cap height The height of a capital letter.
• X height The space between the baseline and the meanline.
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8.  Following the traditions of typography, when is it correct to use:
• all caps? For emphasis.
• a bold typeface? For emphasis.
• an italic style typeface? For emphasis.
• a serif typeface? For printed work.
• a sans serif typeface? For online work.
• Script or Calligraphy typefaces? Use calligraphy and script for places that need decorative handwriting.
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9.  What is the difference between a Bitmapped font and a Postscript font?
Bitmapped font is letters that are pixilated. Post script fonts are outline font specifications.
·         Reference:

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