Message from me


Tuesday 12 February 2013

color theory questions

Color Theory Questions

a.     Primary colors include blue, yellow, and red. They can be combined to make any color that is not a neutral color.

b.     Red can represent love and passion but it can also represent violence and warfare. Red is a powerful color and if to much is used it can be overwhelming.

c.      Blue represents sadness but it can also represent calmness. Light blues are friendly and dark blues are strong. The shade matters much when using blue.

d.     Yellow is bright and energizing. It is represented by happiness and sunshine and hope but can also be represented by cowardice and deceit.

e.     Secondary colors include purple, orange and green.

f.       Purple is a combination of blue and red and it has attributes of both but it also represents royalty, creativity and imagination.

g.     Orange is a vibrant and energizing color. It is named after a fruit so it can represent health and vitality.

h.     Green represents growth and new beginnings but it also represents envy or jealousy.

i.        Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. They are energizing, passionate and positive.

j.       Cool colors include blue, green and purple and are more subdued than warm colors. They are colors of night, water and nature. They are calming and relaxing.

k.     Neutral colors are back rounds and are combined with other colors.

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