Message from me


Monday 25 February 2013

colorization purple banana



Gratitude Journal #1

Things I am grateful for:
1. food because not everyone in the world has enough food so I am grateful that I do.

2. Shelter because in Canada it is really cold and so I am glad i can come home to a nice warm home.

3. Family because they help me so much with my life.

4. Friends becuase they help to make life not dull.

5. Videogames because my life would be really boring without videogames.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

color theory questions

Color Theory Questions

a.     Primary colors include blue, yellow, and red. They can be combined to make any color that is not a neutral color.

b.     Red can represent love and passion but it can also represent violence and warfare. Red is a powerful color and if to much is used it can be overwhelming.

c.      Blue represents sadness but it can also represent calmness. Light blues are friendly and dark blues are strong. The shade matters much when using blue.

d.     Yellow is bright and energizing. It is represented by happiness and sunshine and hope but can also be represented by cowardice and deceit.

e.     Secondary colors include purple, orange and green.

f.       Purple is a combination of blue and red and it has attributes of both but it also represents royalty, creativity and imagination.

g.     Orange is a vibrant and energizing color. It is named after a fruit so it can represent health and vitality.

h.     Green represents growth and new beginnings but it also represents envy or jealousy.

i.        Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. They are energizing, passionate and positive.

j.       Cool colors include blue, green and purple and are more subdued than warm colors. They are colors of night, water and nature. They are calming and relaxing.

k.     Neutral colors are back rounds and are combined with other colors.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Logo collage

Typography Logo Questions

Typography logo questions

  1. Using the terms we learned from our Typography Study Questions explain the typeface that you see. Is the type in serif? Sans serif? Bold? Italic? ALL CAPS? Script? etc.?
  2. Do you think the design and typography of the logo works? Why? Or Why not?
  3. Who do you think the target audience is for this company/ logo? How is the design specific for them?
  4. What feeling/ emotion does the logo display? Use the image below to help you.

Mars Logo

  1. Sans serif.
  2. No because it is just a word that does not even explain the product.
  3. The target audience is junk food lovers but the design is not specifically for them.
  4. Excitement.

Team Fortress 2 Logo

  1. All Caps.
  2. Yes the logo works because it shows all the classes in the game that you can use.
  3. The target audience is for gamers and the design is for them because it shows stuff from the game.
  4. Excitement. 

Nike logo

  1. Has no writing on it.
  2. No I don’t think that the logo works because it shows nothing.
  3. The target audience is people who play sports, but it is not specific for them.
  4. Balance.

Miami Heat Logo

  1. All Caps.
  2. Yes the logo works because it looks good
  3. The target audience is basketball fans and it works because it shows a basketball.
  4. Excitement

Skyrim Logo

  1. No words on the logo.
  2. Yes the logo works because it looks good.
  3. The target audience is gamers but the logo is not directed to them.
  4. Balance.

TFK Logo

  1. All caps.
  2. No the logo does not work because it shows no colors
  3. The target audience is music fans but the logo is not directed at them.
  4. Balance.

Adidas Logo

  1. Sans serif.
  2. It does not work because it shows nothing of what the company sells.
  3. The target audience is sports and clothes people but the logo is not directed at them.
  4. Balance.

Harlem Globetrotters Logo

  1. All caps.
  2. Yes the logo works because the logo pops out.
  3. The target audience is basketball fans and it works because the logo has a basketball on it.
  4. Excitement and trust

MLG Logo

  1. Sans serif
  2. Yes the logo works because it is simple and colourful.
  3. The target audience is gamers because there is a controller on the logo.
  4. Excitement and trust

BO 2 Logo

  1. All caps.
  2. Yes the logo works because it contains a lot of detail.
  3. The target audience is gamers because of the guy holding the gun
  4. Balance

Cleveland Cavaliers logo

  1. All caps.
  2. The logo works because it is colourful and complicated.
  3. The target audience is basketball fans because there is a basketball on the logo.
  4. Excitement and trust

Mountain Dew Logo

  1. All caps
  2. The logo works because it looks cool
  3. The target audience is pop lovers but the logo does not show anything towards them.
  4. Peace and excitement

Panago Logo

  1. Sans serif
  2. The logo does not work because it is bland.
  3. The target audience is pizza lovers but it does not show anything of pizza.
  4. Balance and excitement.

LA Lakers logo

  1. All caps
  2. The Logo works because of the colors.
  3. The target audience is basketball fans and the logo has a basketball on it.
  4. Creative and optimism.

Element Logo

  1. No words.
  2. The logo does not work because it shows nothing.
  3. The target audience is people who like clothing but the logo is not directed to them.
  4. Balance.

Toby Mac logo

  1. All caps.
  2. The logo works because the colour is cool and the design is cool.
  3. The target audience is music fans but the logo shows nothing towards music fans.
  4. Peaceful

FrootLoops Logo

  1. All caps
  2. The Logo works because it is colourful and creative.
  3. The target audience is cereal lovers and it is directed to them because it shows some actual frootloops on the logo.
  4. Diversity.

CS Go Logo

  1. All caps
  2. The logo does not work because it is just black.
  3. The target audience is gamers and the logo shows a character on the logo for the gamers.
  4. Balance.

DC Logo

  1. All caps
  2. The logo does not work because it is just the initials of the brand.
  3. The target audience is clothing people but it is not directed towards them.
  4. Balance.

Dota 2 logo

  1. All caps
  2. The logo sort of works because it does have a symbol that represents the game.
  3. The target audience is gamers but the logo shows nothing of the game.
  4. Balance and excitement.

Google Logo

  1. Serif
  2. The logo works because of all the colors.
  3. The target audience is anyone and the logo is just the name of the company.
  4. Diversity.

Vans Logo

  1. All caps
  2. The logo does not work because it is just the company name.
  3. The target audience is clothing people but the logo shows nothing towards them.
  4. Balance.

NBA Logo

  1. All caps
  2. The logo works because it has good colours.
  3. The target audience is basketball fans and it is directed to them because there is a basketball player on the logo
  4. Trust and excitement

Fuzzy peaches Logo

  1. Sans serif
  2. The logo works because it pops out and it is colourful.
  3. The target audience is candy lovers and the logo works for them because it has candy on the logo.
  4. Friendly

Canada Logo

  1. The logo has no words on it.
  2. The logo does not work because it is just a leaf.
  3. The logo is Directed to Canadians Because it has the Canadian national leaf on the logo.
  4. Excitement.


Sunday 3 February 2013

typography questions

1.  In your own words, define Typography. 
Typography is the practice of arranging words to make them look good.
·         Reference:
2.  What is a Serif Font?
Serif font is font where the letters have small lines on the edges of the letter.
·         Reference:
3.  What is a Sans Serif Font?
Sans serif is font where the letters do not have small lines on the letters.
·         Reference:
4.  Describe the term Leading. Why is it called Leading?
Leading is the space of the baselines between two lines of type. It is called leading because in hand typesetting strips of lead were put in between the lines of type.
·         Reference:
5.  What is the difference between Kerning and Tracking?
Kerning is the difference of space between two characters. Tracking is the difference of space between groups of letters.
·         Reference:
6.  Who was Johann Gutenberg?
• What is he known for? He is known for inventing mechanical moving type printing.
• Where is he from? He is from Mainz Germany.
• When did he live? He lived from 1398 to 1468.
·         Reference:
7.  Define these Elements of a Typeface:
• Decender The part of the letter that is below the baseline.
• Assender The part of the letter that is above the mean line.
• Bowl The curved part of the letter that encloses the circular parts of the letter.
• Foot The unit of measure.
• Baseline The line where most letters are on.
• Cap height The height of a capital letter.
• X height The space between the baseline and the meanline.
·         Reference:

8.  Following the traditions of typography, when is it correct to use:
• all caps? For emphasis.
• a bold typeface? For emphasis.
• an italic style typeface? For emphasis.
• a serif typeface? For printed work.
• a sans serif typeface? For online work.
• Script or Calligraphy typefaces? Use calligraphy and script for places that need decorative handwriting.
·         Reference:
9.  What is the difference between a Bitmapped font and a Postscript font?
Bitmapped font is letters that are pixilated. Post script fonts are outline font specifications.
·         Reference: